/* eslint-disable */ /* 此代码来源于iview表格组件的CSV导出部分 https://github.com/iview/iview */ function has (browser) { const ua = navigator.userAgent; if (browser === 'ie') { const isIE = ua.indexOf('compatible') > -1 && ua.indexOf('MSIE') > -1; if (isIE) { const reIE = new RegExp('MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);'); reIE.test(ua); return parseFloat(RegExp['$1']); } else { return false; } } else { return ua.indexOf(browser) > -1; } } const csv = { _isIE11 () { let iev = 0; const ieold = (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)); const trident = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7.0/); const rv = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('rv:11.0'); if (ieold) { iev = Number(RegExp.$1); } if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 10') !== -1) { iev = 10; } if (trident && rv !== -1) { iev = 11; } return iev === 11; }, _isEdge () { return /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent); }, _getDownloadUrl (text) { const BOM = '\uFEFF'; // Add BOM to text for open in excel correctly if (window.Blob && window.URL && window.URL.createObjectURL) { const csvData = new Blob([BOM + text], { type: 'text/csv' }); return URL.createObjectURL(csvData); } else { return 'data:attachment/csv;charset=utf-8,' + BOM + encodeURIComponent(text); } }, download (filename, text) { if (has('ie') && has('ie') < 10) { // has module unable identify ie11 and Edge const oWin = window.top.open('about:blank', '_blank'); oWin.document.charset = 'utf-8'; oWin.document.write(text); oWin.document.close(); oWin.document.execCommand('SaveAs', filename + '.csv'); oWin.close(); } else if (has('ie') === 10 || this._isIE11() || this._isEdge()) { const BOM = '\uFEFF'; const csvData = new Blob([BOM + text], { type: 'text/csv' }); navigator.msSaveBlob(csvData, filename + '.csv'); } else { const link = document.createElement('a'); link.download = filename + '.csv'; link.href = this._getDownloadUrl(text); document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); } } }; export default csv;