Commit d258499a authored by xiexingan's avatar xiexingan


parent 0eda6942
......@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
el-input(v-model='dataForm.xlongit' placeholder='请填写X坐标' readonly)
el-form-item(:label='(dataForm.dicTypeName === "振动光纤" || dataForm.dicTypeName === "红外探测器") ? "Y坐标(起点):":"Y坐标:"' prop='ylat')
el-input(v-model='dataForm.ylat' placeholder='请填写Y坐标' readonly)
el-form-item(label='X坐标(终点):' prop='xpoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤' || dataForm.dicTypeName === '红外探测器' ")
el-form-item(label='X坐标(终点):' prop='xpoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤'")
el-input(v-model='dataForm.xpoint' placeholder='请填写X坐标' readonly)
el-form-item(label='Y坐标(终点):' prop='ypoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤' || dataForm.dicTypeName === '红外探测器' ")
el-form-item(label='Y坐标(终点):' prop='ypoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤'")
el-input(v-model='dataForm.ypoint' placeholder='请填写Y坐标' readonly)
el-form-item(label='地图层级:' prop='tierId')
el-select(v-model="dataForm.tierId" placeholder="请选择子系统" @change="tierChange" disabled)
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
if (this.editable) {
this.iconStyle = e
if ( === '红外探测器' || === '振动光纤') {
if ( === '振动光纤') {
this.drawType = 'LineString'
} else {
this.drawType = 'Point'
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
if (that.iconStyle === null || !that.editable) {
} else {
if ( === '红外探测器' || === '振动光纤') {
if ( === '振动光纤') {
let bean = that.addPoint(coordinate)
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
el-input(v-model='dataForm.xlongit' readonly)
el-form-item(:label='(dataForm.dicTypeName === "振动光纤" || dataForm.dicTypeName === "红外探测器") ? "Y坐标(起点):":"Y坐标:"' prop='ylat')
el-input(v-model='dataForm.ylat' readonly)
el-form-item(label='X坐标(终点):' prop='xpoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤' || dataForm.dicTypeName === '红外探测器' ")
el-form-item(label='X坐标(终点):' prop='xpoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤'")
el-input(v-model='dataForm.xpoint' readonly)
el-form-item(label='Y坐标(终点):' prop='ypoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤' || dataForm.dicTypeName === '红外探测器' ")
el-form-item(label='Y坐标(终点):' prop='ypoint' v-if="dataForm.dicTypeName === '振动光纤'")
el-input(v-model='dataForm.ypoint' readonly)
el-form-item(label='地图层级:' prop='tierId')
el-input(v-model='dataForm.tierName' readonly)
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