<template lang="pug"> <div class="police_point"> <el-container style='padding-left:0px;'> <el-aside width='333px'> <el-card :style="{height:currentHeight-69+'px'}"> <div class="police_point_left_top"> <div class="police_point_left_topL"> <div :class="[activeName==1?'on':'']" @click="handleClick(1)">资源列表</div> <div :class="[activeName==2?'on':'']" @click="handleClick(2)">收藏夹</div> </div> <div style="float:right; margin:5px 5px 0 5px"> <el-button type="text" size="mini" icon='el-icon-shoucang' @click="treeDataOffClick()"></el-button> </div> <div class="police_point_left_topR"> <el-input size="mini" suffix-icon="el-icon-search" v-model="searchInput" clearable></el-input> </div> </div> <div class="tree-container"> <el-tree :style="{height:currentHeight-145+'px'}" class="dic_tree" :data="treeData" ref='tree' :accordion='true' :highlight-current='true' :props="defaultProps" :filter-node-method="filterNode" :default-expand-all='false' @node-click="handleNodeClick" :default-expanded-keys='defaultExpandedKeys' :node-key='nodeKey' > <span class="custom-tree-node" style='width:85%;line-height: 18px;' slot-scope="{ node, data }"> <span v-if="node.data.level != 6 && node.data.iconB" class="el-icon-wq-treeIcon1 xa-icon"></span> <span v-if="node.data.level != 6 && !node.data.iconB" class="el-icon-wq-treeIcon xa-icon"></span> <span v-if="node.data.level == 6 " :class="node.data.icon+'7'" class='xa-icon'></span> <span v-if="node.label.indexOf('在线') == -1 && node.label.indexOf('离线') == -1"> {{node.label}}</span> <span v-if="node.label.indexOf('在线') > -1"> {{node.label.substring(0,node.label.length - 4)}}<span style='color:green;'>[在线]</span></span> <span v-if="node.label.indexOf('离线') > -1"> {{node.label.substring(0,node.label.length - 4)}}<span style='color:red;'>[离线]</span></span> <span style="float:right;"> <el-button style="padding:0;" v-if="activeName == 2 && node.data.level == 5" type='text' icon="el-icon-delete" @click="treeDataDeleteClick(node,data)" ></el-button> </span> span(v-if=" node.data.iconB" class='el-icon-my-treeFlag') </span> </el-tree> </div> </el-card> </el-aside> <el-main style="padding:0px;"> <el-card> <div class="police_point_right_button"> <el-row style="padding-bottom:15px;" :span="24"> <el-col :md='12' :sm="5" class='tier-btn'> div(v-for="item in mapList" :key='item.id') <el-button type="primary" size="small" plain :class="[checkedData.tierId===item.id?'active-tier':'']" style="float:left;margin-left:10px;" @click="changeMap(item)">{{item.name}}</el-button> </el-col> <el-col :md='12'> <div style='float:right;margin-right:10px'> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="defenseAll && isAuth('police:point:side')" size="small" @click="arrangeAllClick" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">全部撤防</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="defenseAll && isAuth('police:point:place')" size="small" @click="revokeAllClick" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">全部布防</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="defenseShow && isAuth('police:point:side')" size="small" @click="arrangeClick" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">撤防</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="defenseShow && isAuth('police:point:place')" size="small" @click="revokeClick" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">布防</el-button> <el-button type="primary" v-for='(item,index) in actionList' v-if="isAuth('police:point:'+ item.qxan)" :key='index' @click='lightingOnOff(item)' size="small" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">{{item.actionName}}</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="lightingShow && isAuth('police:point:openL')" size="small" @click="lightingOnOff(1)" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">照明开</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="lightingShow && isAuth('police:point:offL')" size="small" @click="lightingOnOff(0)" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">照明关</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="policeShow && isAuth('police:point:alarm')" size="small" @click="lightingOnOff(2)" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">开启报警</el-button> //- <el-button type="primary" v-if="policeShow && isAuth('police:point:clear')" size="small" @click="lightingOnOff(3)" style="float:left;margin:10px 0 0 10px;">消除报警</el-button> </div> </el-col> </el-row> </div> <div class="police_point_right_button_r"> <div :class="[transformationSta == 1?'on':'']" @click="transformation(1)">2D</div> <div :class="[transformationSta == 2?'on':'']" @click="transformation(2)">3D</div> </div> <div v-show="transformationSta==1"> <el-row style="background:#fff;" :style="{height:currentHeight-115+'px'}" :span="24"> <el-col class="resource-container" :style="obj" ref="drag"> <div id="policeMap" class="map" ref='map' style="width: 100%;position: relative;" :style="{height:currentHeight-125+'px'}"></div> </el-col> </el-row> </div> <div class="map_right" > <div> <iframe :src="src" ref="iframe"></iframe> </div> </div> </el-card> </el-main> <query-detail v-if='queryDetailVisible' ref='queryDetail' @closeQ="closeQueryDetailVisible"></query-detail> </el-container> </div> </template> <script> import QueryDetail from './query-detail' import { getUUID } from '@/util' import Vue from 'vue' import 'ol/ol.css' import { Map, View, layer, Markers } from 'ol' import { Projection, Transform } from 'ol/proj' import { getCenter } from 'ol/extent' import overviewmap from 'ol/control/OverviewMap' import ImageLayer from 'ol/layer/Image' import ImageStatic from 'ol/source/ImageStatic' import { control } from 'ol/control/Control' import Zoom from 'ol/control/Zoom' import { DoubleClickZoom, Select } from 'ol/interaction' // 图上图标相关 import OlFeature from 'ol/Feature' import OlGeomPoint from 'ol/geom/Point' import OlLayerVector from 'ol/layer/Vector' import OlSourceVector from 'ol/source/Vector' import OlStyleStyle from 'ol/style/Style' import OlStyleIcon from 'ol/style/Icon' import LineString from 'ol/geom/LineString' import Polygon from 'ol/geom/Polygon' // 用来添加相关文字描述的 import { Text, Fill, Stroke, Circle, Style } from 'ol/style' let that export default { name: 'sys-user', filters: { ellipsis (value) { if (!value) return '' if (value.length > 20) { return value.slice(0, 20) + '...' } return value } }, data () { return { systemList: [], imgLayerList: [], controlList: [], actionList: [], defenseAll: true, defenseShow: false, lightingShow: false, policeShow: false, rightData: [], transformationSta: 1, isCollapse: true, dataList: [], pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 10, totalPage: 0, dataListLoading: false, dataListSelections: [], addOrUpdateVisible: false, queryDetailVisible: false, urlPath: window.CONFIG.urlPath, treeData: [], treeDataNowId: '', src: window.CONFIG.bimPath, defaultExpandedKeys: [], defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'name', level1: 'level' }, nodeKey: 'id', station: {}, //当前选择的站点 mapList: [], //当前站点的所有层 stationMap: {}, //当前选择的层 resource: {}, //当前选择的资源点 lineId: localStorage.getItem('currenLineId'), stationId: localStorage.getItem('stationId'), checkedData: { lineId: '', lineName: '', stationId: '', stationName: '', subSystem: '', tierId: '', tierName: '', resourceId: '', sId: localStorage.getItem('stationId'), subCode: '03' }, currentNode: {}, dragAble: false, list: [], obj: 'pointer-events:initial', editable: false, activeName: '1', searchInput: '', regionMouse: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, status: false }, boxBean: {} //防区对象 } }, components: { QueryDetail }, watch: { searchInput (val) { this.$refs.tree.filter(val) } }, computed: { currentHeight() { return this.$store.state.d2admin.currentHeight.height } }, created () { that = this this.initTreeStationMap() }, methods: { // 初始化地图 initMap(url) { let mapList = this.mapList this.imgurl = url // 计算静态地图映射到地图上的范围 // let extent = [-1100, 110, 1460, 820] let extent = [-600, -100, 800, 1000] let projection = new Projection({ // 投影 code: 'xkcd-image', units: 'pixels', extent: extent }) if (mapList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < mapList.length; i++) { let layerItem = new ImageLayer({ id: mapList[i].id, source: new ImageStatic({ url: mapList[i].readPath, //这里添加静态图片的地址 projection: projection, imageExtent: extent }), visible: false }) this.imgLayerList.push(layerItem) let controlItem = new overviewmap({ className: 'ol-overviewmap myOverview', //鹰眼控件样式 // 在鹰眼中加载相同坐标系下不同数据源的图层 layers: [ new ImageLayer({ source: new ImageStatic({ url: mapList[i].readPath, //这里添加静态图片的地址 projection: projection, imageExtent: extent }) }) ], // layers:this.controlList, collapseLabel: '\u00BB', //鹰眼控件展开时功能按钮上的标识 label: '\u00AB', //鹰眼控件折叠时功能按钮上的标识 collapsed: false //初始为展开方式 }) this.controlList.push(controlItem) } } let zoomControl = new Zoom({ delta: 0.2, zoomInTipLabel: '', zoomOutTipLabel: '' }) // 大图 this.map = new Map({ target: 'policeMap', layers: this.imgLayerList, controls: [zoomControl], view: new View({ projection: projection, center: getCenter([0, 0, 0, 0]), // 获取范围的中心坐标。 zoom: 1.5, maxZoom: 5.0, minZoom: 1.5, extent: [-1100, -100, 2000, 1000]//[minX, minY, maxX, maxY] 控制拖动 }) }) // 删除默认的双击事件 const dblClickInteraction = this.map .getInteractions() .getArray() .find(interaction => { return interaction instanceof DoubleClickZoom }) this.map.removeInteraction(dblClickInteraction) //将鹰眼控件加载到map中 this.map.addControl(this.controlList[0]) //点击事件 this.changeVectorLayer(this.list) this.map.on('click', function (evt) { let feature = evt.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (feature) { return feature }) if (feature) { for (let i in that.list) { let style = that.getPointStyle(that.list[i].imageSrc + '.png', that.list[i].name) let style2 = that.getPointStyle(that.list[i].imageSrc + '2.png', that.list[i].name, 0.3) //获取feature对象 let feature_ = that.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(that.list[i].id) //获取红外对射或者振动光纤第二个点的feature对象 let featureEnd = that.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(that.list[i].id + 'end') if (feature_) { if (feature_ === feature || featureEnd === feature) { //修改选中样式 feature_.setStyle(style2) if (featureEnd) { featureEnd.setStyle(style2) } that.pointListClick(that.list[i]) } else { //清除选中以外的样式 feature_.setStyle(style) if (featureEnd) { featureEnd.setStyle(style) } } } } } }) }, getPointStyle(src, name, zoom) { let style = new OlStyleStyle({ image: new OlStyleIcon({ anchor: [0.5, 0.5], scale: zoom || 0.4, //rotation:0 旋转度 src: require('@/assets/images/' + src) }), text: new Text({ text: name, // 添加文字描述 font: '14px font-size', // 设置字体大小 fill: new Fill({ // 设置字体颜色 color: 'black' }), offsetY: 30 // 设置文字偏移量 }) }) return style }, clearLayer() { if (this.map) { this.map.removeLayer(this.vectorLayer) this.map.removeLayer(this.lineVectorLayer) // this.map.removeLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) this.map.removeInteraction(this.modify) return false } else { return true } }, addBox(obj) { this.boxVectorLayer = new OlLayerVector({ source: new OlSourceVector({ features: [] }), style: new OlStyleStyle({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#409EFF', width: 2 }), fill: new Fill({ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)' }) }) }) this.map.addLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) //创建矩形对象 let start = [obj.xpoint, obj.ypoint] let end = [obj.xlongit, obj.ylat] let boxFeature = new OlFeature({ geometry: new Polygon([[start, [start[0], end[1]], end, [end[0], start[1]], start]]) }) boxFeature.setId(obj.id + 'box') this.boxVectorLayer.getSource().addFeature(boxFeature) // if (this.boxBean) { // let itemList=this.boxBean.children // //修改在防区内资源点样式 // if (this.boxBean.resourceIds) { // let resourceList = this.boxBean.resourceIds.split(',') // this.addList = resourceList // for (let i in resourceList) { // for (let j in this.list) { // if (resourceList[i] === this.list[j].id) { // this.setStyle(this.list[j]) // } // } // } // } // } }, changeVectorLayer(list) { if (list) { this.list = list } else { this.clearLayer() } if (this.clearLayer()) return // if (this.map) { // this.map.removeLayer(this.vectorLayer) // this.map.removeLayer(this.lineVectorLayer) // } else { // return // } // this.boxVectorLayer = new OlLayerVector({ // source: new OlSourceVector({ // features: [] // }), // style: new OlStyleStyle({ // stroke: new Stroke({ // color: '#409EFF', // width: 2 // }), // fill: new Fill({ // color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)' // }) // }) // }) // this.map.addLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) // //创建矩形对象 // let start = [this.boxBean.xpoint, this.boxBean.ypoint] // let end = [this.boxBean.xlongit, this.boxBean.ylat] // let boxFeature = new OlFeature({ // geometry: new Polygon([[start, [start[0], end[1]], end, [end[0], start[1]], start]]) // }) // boxFeature.setId(this.boxBean.id + 'box') // this.boxVectorLayer.getSource().addFeature(boxFeature) // if (this.boxBean) { // let itemList=this.boxBean.children // if(itemList){ // for (let i in itemList) { // // this.setStyle(this.list[parseInt(i)]) // } // } // //修改在防区内资源点样式 // // if (this.boxBean.resourceIds) { // // let resourceList = this.boxBean.resourceIds.split(',') // // this.addList = resourceList // // for (let i in resourceList) { // // for (let j in this.list) { // // if (resourceList[i] === this.list[j].id) { // // this.setStyle(this.list[j]) // // } // // } // // } // // } // } this.lineVectorLayer = new OlLayerVector({ source: new OlSourceVector({ features: [] }), style: new OlStyleStyle({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#409EFF', width: 3 }) }) }) this.map.addLayer(this.lineVectorLayer) let lineLastArr = [] let featuresArr = [] for (let i in list) { if (list[i].imageSrc) { //振动光纤和红外线对射 if (list[i].type === 'e670524ecb9e4a03b8ddbc7d91a63b1b' || list[i].type === '4f69755dbc0c45e49c142857286c5669') { let lineFeatures = [] lineFeatures.push([list[i].xlongit, list[i].ylat]) lineFeatures.push([list[i].xpoint, list[i].ypoint]) this.lineVectorLayer.getSource().addFeature(new OlFeature(new LineString(lineFeatures))) lineLastArr.push(list[i]) } featuresArr.push(this.getFeature(list[i].xlongit, list[i].ylat)) let style = this.getPointStyle(list[i].imageSrc + '.png', this.list[i].name) featuresArr[i].setStyle(style) featuresArr[i].setId(list[i].id) } else { continue } } let LinefeaturesArr = [] for (let i in lineLastArr) { // let bean = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lineLastArr[i])) // LinefeaturesArr.push(this.getFeature(bean.xpoint, bean.ypoint)) // let style = this.getPointStyle(bean.imageSrc + '.png', bean.name) // LinefeaturesArr[i].setStyle(style) // bean.id = getUUID() // bean.key = lineLastArr[i].id // LinefeaturesArr[i].setId(bean.key + 'end') // this.list.push(bean) LinefeaturesArr.push(this.getFeature(lineLastArr[i].xpoint, lineLastArr[i].ypoint)) let style = this.getPointStyle(lineLastArr[i].imageSrc + '.png', lineLastArr[i].name) LinefeaturesArr[i].setStyle(style) LinefeaturesArr[i].setId(lineLastArr[i].id + 'end') //this.list.push(lineLastArr[i]) } this.vectorLayer = new OlLayerVector({ source: new OlSourceVector({ features: featuresArr.concat(LinefeaturesArr) }) }) this.map.addLayer(this.vectorLayer) }, getFeature(x, y) { return new OlFeature({ type: 'icon', geometry: new OlGeomPoint([x, y]) }) }, setStyle(item) { //选中样式 let style2 = this.getPointStyle(item.imageSrc + '2.png', item.name, 0.3) let feature_ = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.id) feature_.setStyle(style2) let featureEnd = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.id + 'end') if (featureEnd) { featureEnd.setStyle(style2) } }, // 改变层级和鹰眼图 changeImgControl(id) { let srcIndex = this.imgLayerList.findIndex((e) => { return e.values_.id == id }) this.map.removeControl(this.controlList[srcIndex]) this.map.addControl(this.controlList[srcIndex]) for (var k = 0; k < this.imgLayerList.length; k++) { if (this.imgLayerList[k].values_.id == id) { // that.imgurl=map.readPath this.imgLayerList[k].setVisible(true) } else { this.imgLayerList[k].setVisible(false) } } }, sendMessage(lineId, stationId, code, type) { setTimeout(() => { if (!this.$refs.iframe) { return } if (type == 1) { this.$refs.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { func: 'init', data: { lineId: lineId, stationId: stationId } }, this.src ) } else { this.$refs.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { func: 'locateByCode', data: { lineId: lineId, stationId: stationId, code: code } }, this.src ) } }, 1000) }, // 树节点过滤 filterNode (value, data) { if (!value) return true return data.name.indexOf(value) !== -1 }, handleClick(tab) { //左侧tab切换 if (tab) { this.activeName = tab } if (this.activeName == 1) { this.initTreeStationMap() } else { this.initTreeStationMap(true) } }, treeDataDeleteClick(node, data) { //左侧tree取消收藏按钮 this.$confirm('确认取消该收藏?', '取消收藏', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning', closeOnClickModal: false }) .then(() => { this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/liEnshrine/delete'), method: 'post', data: { resourceId: node.data.id, stationId: this.checkedData.sId } }).then(data => { if (data && data.code === 0) { this.$message.success('取消收藏成功') this.initTreeStationMap(true) } }) }) .catch(() => {}) }, treeDataOffClick () { //左侧tree收藏按钮 let node = this.$refs.tree.getCurrentNode() if (node.level != 5) { this.$message.warning('只能收藏防区') return } this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/liEnshrine/save'), method: 'post', data: { resourceId: node.id, byx1: '1', stationId: this.checkedData.sId } }).then(data => { if (data && data.code === 0) { if (data.msg === '收藏成功') { this.$message.success(data.msg) } else { this.$message.warning(data.msg) } } }) }, //获取动作按钮 getActionList (item) { var str = item.split('_') this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/eWarning/getActionByType'), method: 'get', params: { subCode: '03', resourceType: str[0], brand: str[1], stationId: localStorage.getItem('stationId') } }).then(data => { if (data && data.code === 0) { if (data.map && data.map.actions) { data.map.actions.forEach(element => { element.type = str[0] this.actionList.push(element) }) } } }) }, pointListClick(item) { //监视器列表点击 this.actionList = [] this.defenseAll = false this.defenseShow = true this.getActionList(item.type + '_' + item.brand) this.currentNode = item if (this.transformationSta == 1) { this.queryDetail(item.id) } this.activeChooseResourceBox(item.id) this.defaultExpandedKeys = [item.id] }, //初始化站点下的资源点 initTreeStationMap(save) { let url = '' if (!save) { // 摄像头列表接口路径 url = this.$http.adornUrlEq('/invadeDefence/getStationMapCodeTreeList') } else { // 收藏夹接口路径 url = this.$http.adornUrlEq('/liEnshrine/getEnshrineStationMapTreeList') } this.$http({ url: url, method: 'post', data: { subCode: this.checkedData.subCode, stationId: this.checkedData.sId, resourceName: this.searchInput } }).then(data => { // console.log('初始化线路树:', data.nodes) if (data && data.code === 0) { this.treeData = data.nodes // console.log(this.treeData,1111111) // this.$refs.tree.updateKeyChildren(this.checkedData.sId, data.nodes) if (this.treeData && this.treeData.length > 0) { this.isFlag(this.treeData, data.nodes[0].id) this.defaultExpandedKeys = [this.treeData[0].id] this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.tree.setCurrentNode(this.treeData[0]) }) } } }).then(() => { if (this.treeData && this.treeData.length > 0) { this.defaultExpandedKeys = [this.treeData[0].id] } this.initStation(this.checkedData.sId) }) }, initStation(id) { //获取层级下全部资源点 // console.log('初始化站点id:', id) this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/liResource/getStationMapCodeTreeList'), method: 'post', data: { stationId: this.checkedData.sId, id: this.checkedData.tierId, subCode: this.checkedData.subCode } }).then(data => { // console.log('初始化线路树:', data.nodes) if (data && data.code === 0) { this.rightData = data.nodes this.list = !this.rightData[0] ? [] : this.rightData[0].children if (!this.checkedData.tierId) { this.mapList = data.nodes this.mapList.forEach(element => { element.readPath = this.urlPath + element.filePath }) } this.checkedData.tierId = !this.mapList[0] ? '' : this.mapList[0].id // this.stationMap = this.rightData[0] } }).then(() => { if (!this.checkedData.tierId) { return } // this.showResourceByMapId() if (!this.map) { this.initMap() this.imgLayerList[0].setVisible(true) //初始第一个显示 } else { this.changeVectorLayer(this.list) } }) }, isFlag(data, id) { data.forEach(res => { if (res.id === id) { Vue.set(res, 'iconB', true) } else { Vue.set(res, 'iconB', false) } if (res.children) { this.isFlag(res.children, id) } }) }, //线路资源点树节点点击事件 handleNodeClick(node) { this.clearLayer() this.currentNode = node this.boxBean = node let name = node.name let id = node.id this.isFlag(this.treeData, id) for (let li in this.list) { this.list[li].active = false } //全部布防、撤防,按钮默认打开 this.defenseAll = true //站厅 if (node.level === 4) { this.actionList = [] this.map.removeLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) this.defenseShow = false this.lightingShow = false this.policeShow = false this.regionMouse.status = false this.checkedData.tierId = id this.showResourceByMapId() this.changeImgControl(id) this.list = this.rightData.filter((e) => { return e.id == node.id }) this.changeVectorLayer(this.list[0].children) } else if (node.level === 5) { //防区 this.actionList = [] this.checkedData.tierId = node.pid this.list = node.children this.defenseShow = false this.lightingShow = false this.policeShow = false //判断下面有几个类型设备,显示控制按钮需要哪些 if (this.list && this.list.length > 0) { let arr = [] for (let index = 0; index < this.list.length; index++) { const element = this.list[index] if (arr.indexOf(element.type + '_' + element.brand) == -1) { arr.push(element.type + '_' + element.brand) } } arr.forEach(el => { this.getActionList(el) }) } this.regionMouse.x = node.xpoint || 0 this.regionMouse.y = node.ypoint || 0 this.regionMouse.w = node.width || 0 this.regionMouse.h = node.height || 0 this.regionMouse.status = true this.treeDataNowId = node.id this.changeImgControl(node.tierId) this.map.removeLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) this.addBox(node) this.changeVectorLayer(this.list) for (let i in this.list) { that.setStyle(this.list[i]) } } else if (node.level === 6) { //资源点1 this.checkedData.tierId = node.mapId this.regionMouse.status = true this.defenseAll = false this.defenseShow = true this.pointListClick(node) this.checkedData.resourceId = id this.activeChooseResourceBox(id) this.regionMouse.x = node.p_xpoint || 0 this.regionMouse.y = node.p_ypoint || 0 this.regionMouse.w = node.p_width || 0 this.regionMouse.h = node.p_height || 0 this.regionMouse.status = true this.changeImgControl(node.tierId) let pNode = { xpoint: node.p_xpoint, ypoint: node.p_ypoint, xlongit: node.p_xlongit, ylat: node.p_ylat } this.map.removeLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) this.addBox(pNode) let list = this.$refs.tree.getNode(node.pid).data this.changeVectorLayer(list.children) let feature = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(id) if (feature) { for (let i in this.list) { if (feature.id_ == that.list[i].id) { this.listItem = that.list[i] } //flag为ture打开详情或者编辑页面 this.mapClick(feature, that.list[i], false) } } if (this.transformationSta == 2) { console.log(1111111111111) this.sendMessage(node.lineId, node.stationId, node.code) } } }, mapClick(feature, item, flag) { //默认样式 let style = this.getPointStyle(item.imageSrc + '.png', item.name) //选中样式 let style2 = this.getPointStyle(item.imageSrc + '2.png', item.name, 0.3) //获取feature对象 let feature_ = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.id) //获取红外对射或者振动光纤第二个点的feature对象 let featureEnd = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.id + 'end') if (feature_) { if (feature_ === feature || featureEnd === feature) { //console.log(feature_) //修改选中样式 feature_.setStyle(style2) if (featureEnd) { featureEnd.setStyle(style2) } // if(!this.editable) this.openAddOrUpdate(item) //未编辑状态下 点击查看 if (flag) this.openAddOrUpdate(item) } else { //清除选中以外的样式 feature_.setStyle(style) if (featureEnd) { featureEnd.setStyle(style) } } } else { //获取新增的feature对象 let newFeature = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.key) //获取红外对射或者振动光纤第二个点的feature对象 let newFeatureEnd = this.vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatureById(item.key + 'end') if (newFeature) { if (newFeature === feature || newFeatureEnd === feature) { newFeature.setStyle(style2) if (newFeatureEnd) { newFeatureEnd.setStyle(style2) } if (flag) this.openAddOrUpdate(item) //查看 } else { //清除选中以外的样式 newFeature.setStyle(style) if (newFeatureEnd) { newFeatureEnd.setStyle(style) } } } } }, //激活选中资源点位节点 activeChooseResourceBox(id, level) { this.list.forEach(res => { if (res.id === id) { Vue.set(res, 'active', true) } else { Vue.set(res, 'active', false) } }) }, //切换层级 changeMap(map) { this.actionList = [] this.defenseShow = false this.boxBean = [] this.map.removeLayer(this.boxVectorLayer) //图层缩放级别设置为默认 this.map.getView().setZoom(1) this.changeImgControl(map.id) this.regionMouse.status = false // console.log('选择的层级', map) this.currentNode = this.$refs.tree.getNode(map.id).data // console.log('当前要选中的节点', this.currentNode) //将选中的层级树节点设置为选中 this.$refs.tree.setCurrentNode(this.currentNode) this.defaultExpandedKeys = [this.currentNode.id] this.isFlag(this.treeData, this.currentNode.id) // console.log('当前要选中的节点2', this.currentNode) // this.$nextTick(() => { // this.$refs.tree.setCurrentNode(this.currentNode) // }) this.checkedData.tierId = map.id this.checkedData.tierName = map.name // this.stationMap = map this.showResourceByMapId() this.list = this.rightData.filter((e) => { return e.id == map.id }) this.changeVectorLayer(this.list[0].children) }, //根据层级id展示当前层级所有的资源点 showResourceByMapId() { let tierNode = this.$refs.tree.getNode(this.checkedData.tierId).data // console.log('当前要选中的层级节点', tierNode.children) this.list = [] if (tierNode && tierNode.children) { tierNode.children.forEach(subSystem => { this.list.push(subSystem) }) } }, //详情 queryDetail (id) { this.queryDetailVisible = true this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.queryDetail.init(id, this.checkedData.sId) }) }, closeQueryDetailVisible() { this.queryDetailVisible = false }, transformation(now) { //2D3D转换 this.transformationSta = now if (now == 2) { if (this.currentNode.level == 6) { this.sendMessage(this.currentNode.lineId, this.currentNode.stationId, this.currentNode.code) } else { this.sendMessage(this.lineId, this.stationId, null, 1) } } }, arrangeAllClick() { this.updateStatus(0, 1) }, revokeAllClick() { this.updateStatus(1, 1) }, arrangeClick() { if (!this.currentNode) { this.$message.warning('请选择防区或资源点') } this.updateStatus(0) }, revokeClick() { if (!this.currentNode) { this.$message.warning('请选择防区或设备') } this.updateStatus(1) }, updateStatus(status, beAll) { this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/invadeDefence/updateStatus'), method: 'post', data: { id: this.currentNode.id, status: status, byx2: beAll, stationId: this.checkedData.sId } }).then(data => { // console.log('初始化线路树:', data.nodes) if (data && data.code === 0) { this.$message.success('操作成功') } }) }, //0=照明关,1=照明开, 2=开启报警, 3=消除报警 lightingOnOff(item) { var level = this.currentNode.level if (level == 6) { //级别为6时,为单个操作 this.lighingOnOff2(item.valueInfo, this.currentNode.id, this.currentNode.stationId, item.actionName, this.currentNode.type) } else if (level == 5) { //级别为5时,为防区批量操作 var childrenArr = this.currentNode.children if (childrenArr != null && childrenArr.length > 0) { for (let index = 0; index < childrenArr.length; index++) { var children = childrenArr[index] var id = children.id var stationId = children.stationId var type = children.type if (item.type == type) { this.lighingOnOff2(item.valueInfo, id, stationId, item.actionName, children.type) } } } } }, lighingOnOff2(valueInfo, id, stationId, actionName, type) { this.dataListLoading = true this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/camera/lightingOnOff'), method: 'post', data: { id: id, stationId: stationId, userId: localStorage.getItem('userId'), levelType: 1, controlType: 3, valueInfo: valueInfo, actionName: actionName } }).then(data => { this.dataListLoading = false console.log(data) if (data && data.code === 0) { this.$message.success(data.msg) this.saveLog(1, actionName, id, type, stationId)// 执行结果 ,成功 1,失败 2,中止 3 } else { this.$message.error(data.msg) if (data && data.code == 2) { this.saveLog(3, actionName, id, type, stationId)// 执行结果 ,成功 1,失败 2,中止 3 } else if (data && data.code == 3) { } else { this.saveLog(2, actionName, id, type, stationId)// 执行结果 ,成功 1,失败 2,中止 3 } } }) }, //调用日志保存记录操作指令 saveLog (result, actionName, id, type, stationId) { this.$http({ url: this.$http.adornUrlEq('/orIntrude/save'), method: 'post', data: { source: 1, actionName: actionName, resourceId: id, stationId: stationId, type: type, result: result } }).then(data => { }) } } } </script> <style lang='scss' scoped> .dic_tree { background: #f4f4f4; font-size: 14px; transform: translateX(-6px); margin-top: 20px; } .dic_tree /deep/ .el-tree-node>.el-tree-node__content{ padding-left: 0px !important; } // .dic_tree /deep/ .el-tree-node__content{ // padding-left: 0px !important; // } // 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