Commit 355f90b7 authored by shizhilong's avatar shizhilong

动静态几何数据提交 --shizhilong

parent aaf73f02
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class MovementRecordsMasterController extends JeecgController<MovementRec
@AutoLog(value = "删除动静态几何尺寸数据及相关联的数据")
@ApiOperation(value = "删除动静态几何尺寸数据及相关联的数据", notes = "删除动静态几何尺寸数据及相关联的数据")
@GetMapping(value = "/delete")
public Result<String> delete(@RequestParam(name = "动静态几何尺寸数据id", required = true) String id) {
public Result<String> delete(@ApiParam(name = "动静态几何尺寸数据id", required = true) String id) {
LambdaUpdateWrapper<MovementCourseInfo> lambdaUpdateWrapper = Wrappers.lambdaUpdate();
lambdaUpdateWrapper.set(MovementCourseInfo::getDelFlag, "1");
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