OrIntrudeMapper.xml 8.4 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.devplatform.equipment.modules.orintrude.dao.OrIntrudeDao">
  <!-- Result Map -->
  <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.devplatform.equipment.modules.orintrude.bean.OrIntrude">
    <result column="id" property="id"/>
    <result column="resource_id" property="resourceId"/>
    <result column="station_id" property="stationId"/>
    <result column="resource_name" property="resourceName"/>
    <result column="instruction" property="instruction"/>
    <result column="action_name" property="actionName"/>
    <result column="result" property="result"/>
    <result column="create_user_id" property="createUserId"/>
    <result column="create_user" property="createUser"/>
    <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>
    <result column="type" property="type"/>
    <result column="line_station_name" property="lineStationName"/>
    <result column="sys_sign" property="sysSign"/>
    <result column="link_rule_action_Id" property="linkRuleActionId"/>
    <result column="byx1" property="byx1"/>
    <result column="byx2" property="byx2"/>
    <result column="byx3" property="byx3"/>

  <!-- or_intrude table all fields -->
  <sql id="Base_Column_List">

  <!-- 公共查询条件 -->
  <sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
    where deleted=0
    <if test="id!=null and id!=''">and id = #{id}</if>
    <if test="resourceId!=null and resourceId!=''">and resource_id = #{resourceId}</if>
    <if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and station_id = #{stationId}</if>
    <if test="resourceName!=null and resourceName!=''">and resource_name = #{resourceName}</if>
    <if test="instruction!=null and instruction!=''">and instruction = #{instruction}</if>
    <if test="actionName!=null and actionName!=''">and action_name = #{actionName}</if>
    <if test="result!=null ">and result = #{result}</if>
    <if test="createUserId!=null and createUserId!=''">and create_user_id = #{createUserId}</if>
    <if test="createUser!=null and createUser!=''">and create_user = #{createUser}</if>
    <if test="createTime!=null ">and create_time = #{createTime}</if>
    <if test="type!=null and type!=''">and type = #{type}</if>
    <if test="lineStationName!=null and lineStationName!=''">and line_station_name = #{lineStationName}</if>
    <if test="sysSign!=null and sysSign!=''">and sys_sign = #{sysSign}</if>
    <if test="linkRuleActionId!=null and linkRuleActionId!=''">and link_rule_action_Id = #{linkRuleActionId}</if>
    <if test="byx1!=null and byx1!=''">and byx1 = #{byx1}</if>
    <if test="byx2!=null and byx2!=''">and byx2 = #{byx2}</if>
    <if test="byx3!=null and byx3!=''">and byx3 = #{byx3}</if>
  <select id="queryPageByCount" parameterType="com.devplatform.equipment.modules.orintrude.model.OrIntrudeModel" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
    select count(1) from or_intrude oi
    <include refid="queryPageByListClause"></include>
  <select id="queryPageByList" parameterType="com.devplatform.equipment.modules.orintrude.model.OrIntrudeModel"
    select oi.* ,lr.status as status,lr.deploy_location as deployLocation
    from or_intrude oi
    left join li_resource lr on lr.id = oi.resource_id and lr.station_id = oi.station_id
    <include refid="queryPageByListClause"></include>
    <if test="pager.orderCondition != null and pager.orderCondition != ''">
    <if test="pager.mysqlQueryCondition != null and pager.mysqlQueryCondition != ''">
  <sql id="queryPageByListClause">
      <if test="id!=null and id!=''">and oi.id = #{id}</if>
      <if test="resourceId!=null and resourceId!=''">and oi.resource_id = #{resourceId}</if>
      <if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and oi.station_id = #{stationId}</if>
      <if test="resourceName!=null and resourceName!=''">and INSTR(oi.resource_name, #{resourceName})</if>
      <if test="instruction!=null and instruction!=''">and oi.instruction = #{instruction}</if>
      <if test="actionName!=null and actionName!=''">and oi.action_name = #{actionName}</if>
      <if test="result!=null ">and oi.result = #{result}</if>
      <if test="createUserId!=null and createUserId!=''">and oi.create_user_id = #{createUserId}</if>
      <if test="createUser!=null and createUser!=''">and INSTR(oi.create_user, #{createUser})</if>
      <if test="startTime!=null">and oi.create_time &gt;= #{startTime}</if>
      <if test="endTime!=null">and oi.create_time &lt;= #{endTime}</if>
      <if test="sysSign!=null and sysSign!=''">and oi.sys_sign = #{sysSign}</if>

  <select id="queryById" resultType="java.util.Map">
    select og.id,og.instruction,og.resource_name as resourceName,
    og.line_station_name as lineStationName,og.create_user as createUser,
    lr.sub_system as subSystem,og.type,lr.status,lr.code,lr.address_code as addressCode,
    lr.port,lr.deploy_location as deployLocation,lr.attached_info as attachedInfo,og.action_name as actionName,
    lra.params_name1 as paramsName1,lra.params_value1 as paramsValue1,lra.params_name2 as paramsName2,lra.params_value2 as paramsValue2,
    og.create_time as createTime,og.source,og.result,ai.event_level as eventLevel
    from or_intrude og
    left join li_resource lr on lr.id = og.resource_id and lr.station_id = og.station_id
    left join link_rule_action lra on lra.id = og.link_rule_action_Id and lra.station_id = og.station_id
    left join link_action la on la.id = lra.action_id and la.station_id = og.station_id
    left join alarms_info ai on ai.id = og.alarms_code and ai.station_id = og.station_id
    where og.id = #{id}
    <if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and og.station_id = #{stationId}</if>

  <select id="queryById1" resultType="java.util.Map">
    select og.id,og.instruction,og.resource_name as resourceName,
    og.line_station_name as lineStationName,og.create_user as createUser,
    lr.sub_system as subSystem,og.type,lr.status,lr.code,lr.address_code as addressCode,
    lr.port,lr.deploy_location as deployLocation,lr.attached_info as attachedInfo,og.action_name as actionName,
    la.params_name1 as paramsName1,pi.param as paramsValue1,la.params_name2 as paramsName2,pi.param_two as paramsValue2,
    og.create_time as createTime,og.source,og.result,ai.event_level as eventLevel
    from or_intrude og
    left join li_resource lr on lr.id = og.resource_id and lr.station_id = og.station_id
    left join alarms_plan_step aps on aps.id = og.byx1 and aps.station_id = og.station_id
    LEFT JOIN plan_register_instruct pi ON aps.instruct_id = pi.id and pi.station_id = og.station_id
    left join link_action la on la.id = pi.type and la.station_id = og.station_id
    left join alarms_info ai on ai.id = og.alarms_code and ai.station_id = og.station_id
    where og.id = #{id}
    <if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and og.station_id = #{stationId}</if>

    <select id="queryById2" resultType="java.util.Map">
      select og.id,og.instruction,og.resource_name as resourceName,
      og.line_station_name as lineStationName,og.create_user as createUser,
      lr.sub_system as subSystem,og.type,lr.status,lr.code,lr.address_code as addressCode,
      lr.port,lr.deploy_location as deployLocation,lr.attached_info as attachedInfo,og.action_name as actionName,
      la.params_name1 as paramsName1,pi.param as paramsValue1,la.params_name2 as paramsName2,pi.param_two as paramsValue2,
      og.create_time as createTime,og.source,og.result,ai.event_level as eventLevel
      from or_intrude og
      left join li_resource lr on lr.id = og.resource_id and lr.station_id = og.station_id
      left join plan_log_instruct pli on pli.id = og.byx2 and pli.station_id = og.station_id
      LEFT JOIN plan_register_instruct pi ON pli.instruct_id = pi.id and pi.station_id = og.station_id
      left join link_action la on la.id = pi.type and la.station_id = og.station_id
      left join alarms_info ai on ai.id = og.alarms_code and ai.station_id = og.station_id
      where og.id = #{id}
      <if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and og.station_id = #{stationId}</if>