JfktpInfoMapper.xml 3.07 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.devplatform.admin.modules.eq.dao.JfktpInfoDao">
	<!-- Result Map -->
	<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.devplatform.admin.modules.eq.bean.JfktpInfo">
	    <result column="id" property="id"/>
	    <result column="resource_id" property="resourceId"/>
	    <result column="voltage" property="voltage"/>
	    <result column="current" property="current"/>
	    <result column="power_factor" property="powerFactor"/>
	    <result column="power" property="power"/>
	    <result column="electric_energy" property="electricEnergy"/>
	    <result column="communication_failure" property="communicationFailure"/>
	    <result column="type" property="type"/>
	    <result column="station_id" property="stationId"/>
	    <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>

	<!-- jfktp_info table all fields -->
	<sql id="Base_Column_List">
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	<!-- 公共查询条件 -->
	<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
		where t.deleted=0
		<if test="id!=null and id!=''">and t.id = #{id}</if>
		<if test="resourceId!=null and resourceId!=''">and t.resource_id = #{resourceId}</if>
		<if test="voltage!=null and voltage!=''">and t.voltage = #{voltage}</if>
		<if test="current!=null and current!=''">and t.current = #{current}</if>
		<if test="powerFactor!=null and powerFactor!=''">and t.power_factor = #{powerFactor}</if>
		<if test="power!=null and power!=''">and t.power = #{power}</if>
		<if test="electricEnergy!=null and electricEnergy!=''">and t.electric_energy = #{electricEnergy}</if>
		<if test="communicationFailure!=null and communicationFailure!=''">and t.communication_failure = #{communicationFailure}</if>
		<if test="type!=null ">and t.type = #{type}</if>
		<if test="stationId!=null and stationId!=''">and t.station_id = #{stationId}</if>
		<if test="createTime!=null ">and t.create_time = #{createTime}</if>

	<select id="queryPageByCount" parameterType="Object" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
	select count(1) from jfktp_info t
	<include refid="Example_Where_Clause"/>

	<select id="queryPageList" parameterType="Object" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
	select t.* from jfktp_info t
	<include refid="Example_Where_Clause"/>
	<if test="pager.orderCondition != null and pager.orderCondition != ''">
	<if test="pager.mysqlQueryCondition != null and pager.mysqlQueryCondition != ''">
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    <select id="getList" resultType="java.util.Map">
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		SELECT t1.*,li.name as resourceName,li.remark as remark,li.deploy_location as deployLocation,li.status as status
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57 58 59 60
		FROM jfktp_info AS t1
		(SELECT t2.resource_id, MAX(t2.create_time) AS maxdate
		FROM jfktp_info AS t2
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61 62
		GROUP BY t2.resource_id) AS t3 ON t1.resource_id = t3.resource_id AND t1.create_time = t3.maxdate
		left join li_resource li on li.id = resource_id
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64 65 66 67
